h o u s e
- w i s e
i n d o o r s
s p r i n g f i x - u p s
D a n n y L ip fo r d
Danny is the host of the
nationally syndicated
Today's Homeowner
with Danny Lipford
fte r this w inter, you’re probably m ore
ready fo r spring than usual. N ow is the
perfect tim e to get your house ready for
w a rm tem peratures too. K ick o ff the
season w ith three easy projects.
GUTTERS Cold w eather can cause gutter seams to leak
and fasteners to pop loose. A leaf blow er w orks great for
blasting out leaves. F inish by sealing leaks w ith gutter
sealant and replacing loose spikes w ith gutter screws.
AIR CONDITIONER G etyour central air conditioning
system ready fo r sum m er by cleaning the condensation
drain line. T his sm all plastic pipe ru n n in g fro m your AC
u n it outside is a m agnet fo r algae and other gunk. To keep
it fro m clogging, pour a cup o f bleach through a funnel
in to the drain line’s access hole (near the air handler u n it
inside your house), le t it sit fo r
m inutes, then flush the
pipe w ith water.
W INDO W SCREENS Before you hangyour screens, give
them a good scrubbing. F irst lay fou r 2x4s on the ground
to create a frame. Staple a sheet o f plastic over it to make
a hom em ade “ tub.” F ill it w ith w a rm soapy water, and use
a soft scrub brush to gently clean both sides o f each
screen. Rinse screens w ith a hose and a llow to dry. ®
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